“BIOTILIK” comes from the word 'Bio' which means biota, and 'Tilik' means to observe carefully, so that “BIOTILIK”is environmental monitoring using biota indicators, synonymous with the term biomonitoring. “BIOTILIK” is also an acronym for BIOTA NO BACKGROUND Water Quality Indicators, namely benthic macroinvertebrates, for example aquatic insects, crabs, shrimps, snails, and worms. </em>(Ecoton)<br><br><em>The results of BIOTILIC monitoring can provide clues to environmental disturbances in river ecosystems, so that the necessary countermeasures can be formulated.
In an effort to maintain environmental sustainability to support the cultivation of tiger prawn ponds, mangrove roots serve as reinforcements for riverbank erosion, as a source of oxygen for the ecosystem and mitigate climate change through absorption of CO2 from the water.
Monitoring The Quality Water of River and Pon
The decline in water quality caused by contamination is the most important problem, especially because this has affected public health and the availability of clean water, and the suitability of water for aquaculture activities which can have an impact on decreasing the quality of tiger prawn cultivation. For this reason, it is necessary to monitor water quality which includes measuring the level of water and soil acidity (pH), the concentration of oxygen in water (Dissolved Oxygen), the content of NH3 (Ammonia), NO3 (Nitrate), NO2 (Nitrite).
Administrative Management Training
Women in producer groups in the agricultural and seafood value chain (in this project the tiger prawn farmer group) can increase self-confidence, which can be shown by being able to carry out good administrative management in activities carried out in households including in the management of aquaculture ponds and in groups. Women's business.<br><br>With this activity, it is hoped that it can build women's leadership in each region and increase their capacity in women's economic empowerment efforts. Can share roles with husbands in planning and management of tiger prawn cultivation and other businesses as a source of family income.
Establish women's organization
Women in producer groups in the agricultural and seafood value chain (in this project the tiger prawn farmer group) can increase self-confidence, are able to give opinions and have the opportunity to claim their rights. Organizations or groups as a place to carry out activities and make it easier to get guidance.
Processing Of Fishery Products
Women in the producer group in the agricultural and seafood value chain (in this project the Indonesian shrimp farmer group) can increase their self-confidence, be able to run processing business opportunities from the resources that are around them, both fishpond and non-pond production which, if processed, will has a higher economic value so that it can encourage the realization of women's economic empowerment.
Empowerment of ASIC Small-Scale Farmers
Small-scale farmer groups fall into the category of vulnerable groups so they need them support to be able to minimize the impact on his life. Cultivating tiger prawns in Pinrang Regency with traditional cultivation methods has been carried out from generation to generation without being based on regulations regarding cultivation systems and management. Cultivation activities ranging from land preparation, use of supporting materials, harvesting to post-harvest activities are carried out based on habits. The aquaculture area in Pinrang and Sidoarjo districts is one of the areas vulnerable to climate change. The sea level rise that occurs at the end and beginning of each year has an impact on the closure of the river estuary because the sand carried by the sea closes the mouth of the estuary, so that if the rainfall is high, the water flowing into the river cannot pass through the estuary which causes flooding in the pond area. The export market demand for fishery products, including tiger prawns, has been fulfilled International certification such as one of the ASIC standards so that the traditional pond products from Pinrang and Sidoarjo Regencies can be accepted by a wider export market, such as the Asian, European and US markets. It has an impact on the economic growth of tiger shrimp cultivators in Pinrang and Sidoarjo districts.
Organic Fertilizer Manufacturing Training<
How to cultivate shrimp that is good is done to minimize failures in business cultivation and the creation of sustainable cultivation. In the practice of shrimp farming, there are various stages that must be passed, this is done to ensure that the land that will be used as a shrimp cultivation area has the carrying capacity to support the survival of the shrimp that is cultivated and the results of the cultivation production are obtained quality and safe shrimp for consumption.<br><br>Food safety as a guarantee for consumers starts from the starting stage of the process one of which is the use of chemical-based cultivation support materials, the use of chemical fertilizers that do not match the dosage of use or the use of chemicals which is prohibited because it is not intended for use, such as pesticides for agriculture, which are used in pond cultivation as a parasite exterminator. The long-term effects of using chemicals are decreased land carrying capacity which affects the sustainability of cultivation due to its residue which do not decompose and make the soil poor in the organic elements it needs development of natural food sources.<br><br>The raw material for making organic fertilizers is easily available in the form of forage (leaves), straw, cow dung that can be obtained easily. The existence of organic fertilizers is an effort to minimize operational costs because in terms of prices it will be cheaper than chemical fertilizers so that it can reduce the production costs of traditional tiger prawn cultivation and can be produced independently.
Making Environmentally Friendly Soap
In every household, detergent is a basic requirement for clean and clean activities such as washing clothes, bathing and cleaning other household appliances. The lssue of contamination from the use of detergents has a big impact on environmental sustainability, especially the water environment around the aquaculture ponds. This condition in the long term will damage soil fertility and water microorganisms that have a role in shrimp culture in the ponds so that it will have an impact on reducing pond productivity as a source of income for pond farmers.
Clean up rivers and ponds
Maintaining the cleanliness of the environment is a shared responsibility, the accumulation of garbage in the river is one of the factors that causes blockage of river water flow which can result in flooding. The issue of microplastics has become a concern among the community and tiger prawn cultivators, to maintain cleanliness in the cultivation pond area while maintaining the sustainability of shrimp pond farmers to avoid plastic waste contamination, KOIN together with PT. Atina and the pond farmers work together to clean up rubbish in the river and in the area around the Sidoarjo pond.
Household Waste Management
The pond area in Sidoarjo Regency is a shrimp pond area with great potential to be maintained and preserved, which always maintains the wisdom of local cultivation that promotes sustainable cultivation.</em><br><br><em>Pond cultivation uses tidal water using brackish water whose quality is influenced by river flow from upstream to downstream.</em><br><br><em>The behavior of the people who do not understand and also do not have facilities for household waste management so that the river becomes waste disposal, can also affect aquaculture and fishery products along the river flow.
Environmental Education in Schools
Environmental education at school age and still idelis is very effective, an age that is still easily influenced by the surrounding environment.</em><br><br><em>Each school has an extra-curricular, which is additional education outside school hours which functions to add insight and positive activities such as Scouting activities. Part of the material is about the environment, efforts to form awareness, care from an early age and the formation of people who have responsibility for the surrounding environment.
Talk Show dan Launching Buku
Kegiatan Talk Show dan launching buku SOP “Budidaya udang windu tradisional yang berpedoman pada standar Internasional“ adalah salah satu kegiatan dalam program GRAISEA 2. Konservasi Indonesia-KOIN sebagai mitra Oxfam di Indonesia, bekerja sama dengan PT. Alter Trade Indonesia (ATINA), BBPBAP Jepara, BPBAP Takalar, BMKG Wilayah IV Makassar, dan Pemerintah Kabupaten Pinrang dalam melaksanakan kegiatan tersebut, dengan harapan produsen skala kecil dalam rantai nilai udang dapat melakukan adaptasi dan mitigasi perubahan iklim. Literasi dan tools dalam melakukan adaptasi dan mitigasi menjadi fokus dalam kegiatan ini yang belokasi di Desa Matombong kecamatan Lanrinsang kabupaten Pinrang.
KOIN (Konservasi Indonesia) bersaman dengan APLA (Alternative People's Linkage in Asia) visit evaluasi program pengelolaan sampah di Desa Kalanganyar Kec. Sedati dan Desa Keboguyang Kec. Jabon Sidoarjo.
ATJ Visit & Trembesi Tree Planting
Kunjungan..diskusi mekanisme pengelolaan sampah rumah tangga di wilayah pesisir kawasan budidaya udang Ecoshrimp dan penanaman pohon Trembesi untuk mengurangi pencemaran udara di area sekitar TPS3R Sopo Nyongko Desa Kalanganyar Sedati-Sidoarjo.
#lingkungan #environment #highlight #ecoshrimp #zerowaste
Movement for Zero Waste Program
Training dan peresmian kantor TPS3R KSM Soponyongko Desa Kalanganyar
Studi Banding
Dalam rangka peningkatan SDM masyarakat pesisir dari pendampingan, PT AMI dan PT AMINDO menyelenggarakan studi banding ke Sidoarjo dan Malang dari perwakilan desa-desa di Buton Tengah Kec. Talaga Raya Sulawesi Tenggara.
Kegiatan ini mencakup sesi pembelajaran manajemen rumput laut yang inovatif, metode pengolahan sampah rumah tangga berbasis kawasan desa sederhana dan menengah, dengan manajemen basis masyarakat dan BUMDES
Melalui kegiatan ini, para peserta dapat mengaplikasikan di masing masing wilayah dengan menyesuaian sosial dan lingkungan masing masing.
#KolaborasiKoinAMI #StudiBandingSidoarjo #ButonTengah #PemberdayaanMasyarakat #KeberlanjutanDesa #ManajemenLingkungan #InovasiDesa #PengembanganDesa #sidoarjo #studibanding #sustainable